Friday, July 10, 2009

This Week in X-books

To satisfy my X-men addiction for the week I picked up three books.

X-men Legacy #226 (Utopia Tie-in)
Writer~Mike Carey
Pencils~Dustin Weaver
Rogue, Gambit, and Danger join the fray in San Francisco against the Humanity Now! Coalition. Fighting ensues. Rogue takes on the new Ms Marvel, Danger is compared to a transformer, and Gambit...well Gambit gets his ass kicked. Then they drive away in a tank. Yep, they steal a tank...

Best/Worst Quote~Mom, I got catched by a transformer! Did you see?

The problem with this issue is that it seemed to take place in the midst of the last issue of Uncanny and really didn't add anything to the story. It wasn't good, it wasn't bad, it was just kind of forgetable. Blame it on the tie-in aspect if you want, but I don't think Rogue, Gambit, and Danger make a compelling team. 2.5 Stars

X-men Forever #3
Writer~Chris Claremont
Pencils~Tom Grummett
Xavier probes Jean's and finds her relationship with Wolverine was more than what it seems. Sabretooth is still blinded and Storm wants to finish what she started. Jean awakes and goes on the offensive, but against who? Oh and we find out where Wolverine's missing claw went.
Best/Worst Quotes~You burned the flesh from his bones, you stole away his future, you brought the life of the man I love to an end. and as he fell you laughed. I don't hear you laughing now!
~What just happened? Jean called Logan "the man I love." Worry about that later...time now to focus.
Chris Claremont is single-handedly trying to reinvent X-men continuity. In X-men Forever Claremont picks up where he left off in the the 1990s, ignoring everything that came after. I can't help but enjoy this book. Sure it's bizarre and indulgent. Gambit's name is still Remy Picard for an unknown reason and apparently Wolverine is Sabretooth's son, but it's good old-fashioned X-men fun. Jean, Cyclops, Rogue, Gambit, Beast, Storm, Nightcrawler, Kitty and of course Xavier (before everyone hated him)~It's just a good time. 3.5 Stars

GeNext United #3 of 5
Writer~Chris Claremont
Pencils~Jonboy Meyers

The GeNext team is still in India. We learn a little about Sophie Von Doom. She's connected to Kalima and the shit hits the fan. It looks like the GeNexters have lost until Olivier...does something...I honestly don't know what really happened.
Best/Worst Quotes~ The girl is not what she seems! this is one of Kalima's spells. Forgive me, my friend! It makes me--want to KILL you!
Claremont continues with his continuity nightmare in this second GeNext mini-series. The series follows the kids and grandkids of former X-men and is a loose follow up to Claremont's X-men: The Ends series (which I actually really liked). I admit the fan-fictionish plot is cheesy but like X-men Forever, I'm along for the ride. It's more proof that I will buy anything with Beast in it. Yeah, I want to find out who No-name is or what the hell is going on, but what really keeps me reading is my insane need to know about Beast and Cecelia Reyes. They keep giving vague references about their marriage but I want real info! It's about time Beast got some lovin'!
3 Stars

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